
also known as Aelahn of Osgiliath

élan was bought as a pet, but we also did show him for a few years, but it became clear that he never really enjoyed it, preferring his food and walks. He obviously liked the quiet life. He was a calm and gentle dog, who was the height in the standard, 23 inches. (Today he would look very small in one of our 21st century classes.)

His pedigree was quite a mix, containing Duxfordham, Ascotheath, Pinto and Greenmount dogs, kennels which all disappeared with the millenium, but remembered by some and enshrined in the breed handbooks of the time.

As a pet, he was never bred. He lived for over 10 years and was greatly missed when he died in 1991

Ch Colonsay April Jest

Brougham Banker

Ch Ivelda Iris

Greenmount Grand Marnier

Ch Tomkins of the Towpath

Ch Greenmount Grace Darling

Ch Greenmount Golden Guinea

Gypsy Domino

Alexander of Ascotheath

Maroc’s Mate

Tobitha Twitchett

Wealdene Trudie

Ch Spenbrooke Saracen of Greenmount

Frindsbrough Faldetta

Coachbarn Cassandra

Cherriog Chimney Sweep

Ch Howbeck Admiral

Ch Delvallie Brougham Bright Boy

Ch Ivelda Iris

Midnight Blue

Snow Leopard Prince

Dalquest Sweet Melody

Lady Gaity of Brans Begin

Heathridge Lucetta

Ch Hot Brandy of Ascotheath

Ch Spotton Henry of Brans Begin

Roslyn of Ascotheath

Sultana of Jewell’s

Ch Olbero O’Keefe

Rosenda of Jewell’s

With High Jinks

Ch Howbeck Admiral

Ch Hot Brandy of Ascotheath

Grey Topper of Ascotheath

Pinto Peregrine

Ch Duxfordham Magic Empire

Pinto Pepper

Pinto Puri

Heathridge Black Buttons

Ch Howbeck Admiral

Country William

Fanhill Folly

Spring Symphony

Ch Colonsay Three Bells

Spring Melody

Colonsay Sunshine

Lady Perdita of Beauford

Ch Colonsay April Jest

Brougham Banker

Ch Ivelda Iris

Greenmount Grand Marnier

Ch Tomkins of the Towpath

Ch Greenmount Grace Darling

Ch Greenmount Golden Guinea

Ginger Nut of Claremont

Ch Greenmount Magic Empire

Ch Duxfordham Corraith Cosmonaut

Duxfordham Grecian

Duxfordham Bountiful

Ch Son of Alexander

Duxfordham Candy Hazel

Duxfordham Minicab

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